Building Team Emotional Intelligence

Create a more positive and productive work environment. Reduce stress in the workplace and improve productivity with Emotional Intelligence training.


  • Training

    Emotional Intelligence Workshop or Intensive EI Workshop is up to 1-2 hours and includes an introduction to emotional intelligence and a short team coaching session.

    EI Intensives are up to 6 hours or can be split into 2 days and include an introduction to emotional intelligence, effective leadership training, and a team coaching session.

    Both can be customized

  • Coaching

    Individual Coaching Sessions for Members after Assessment (Appx. 1 up to 1.5 hours)

    Team Coaching Session (Appx. 2 to 4 hours) - included with training.

  • Assessments

    Emotional Intelligent Assessment – EQi-2.0 | Duration: appx. 30 mins. up to 60 mins | medium: virtual | 133 questions| self-assessment

    Other assessments offered:

    • Pearman Personality Integrator

    • Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test

    • EQ-360

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence for Teams

  • People with higher emotional intelligence communicate better within their team. Increased communication supports trust. Increased trust leads to innovation, creativity and stronger bonds.

  • When employees have high EQ skills, they’re less likely to leave their job. This decreases the amount of time that employers need to spend on recruiting and training new employees. Additionally, EQ training can help employees feel more engaged and satisfied with their work, which can lead to lower rates of absenteeism and less employee turnover.

  • Those with high EI are better at making sound decisions, building and sustaining collaborative relationships, and dealing effectively with stress. This can also influence how they perform tasks.

  • Team members who have more positive emotions associated with their work and products combined with an emotionally-safe environment and resources do better at engaging customers. Thus increasing sales.

Want to learn more about team emotional intelligence?

Blog: How do we really achieve team cohesiveness?


Request a consultation

See how Purposed Life’s EQ Training can help strengthen your organization to further protect, advance and retain your very best people.